
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Activities for May

Hello May! It brings the Haitian Heritage  Month celebration, Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day, Career Day, International Days...  Soo many exciting activities scheduled within so little time! 

To celebrate Haitian Heritage Month we will practice creating landscapes, seascapes and scenes from Haiti.  The best works will be displayed in the cafeteria.

For Mother's Day we will create colorful flower cards to show our love for all the mothers.

We will also design posters for career day and finish the month exploring CGI designs. What a loaded month!  All the activities are detailed in the Lessons section.  Enjoy! 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Still Lifes Inspired by Van Gogh

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Youth Fair Showcase

Congratulations to the 84 Oak Grove Elementary students who had their work exhibited at the Youth Fair!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Activities for April

April is here! And April showers will bring flowers to our art class.  For all the exciting details on how to create a still life using the legendary Vincent Van Gogh as a model please visit our Lesson Page.  You will also find there information to help you effectively critique art work like a pro.

The later part of April will be spent experimenting with seascapes.  We will investigate beaches and oceans as we get closer to the times for beach expeditions. Enjoy this lesson in the Lesson Plan section.