
Thursday, February 1, 2018

Activities for February 2018


February is the month we celebrate African-American History Month and Valentine's Day! For these occasions we will be creating our own Gawus and Pop Up Cards.

Lesson 1-2

February 15 –  23

Essential Question
What is the role of the Visual Arts in African Tapestries?

V.A. Standards

Big Idea: The arts reflect and document cultural trends and historical events, and help explain how new directions in the arts have emerged.

VA.2.H.2.1- Identify differences or similarities in artworks across time and culture.

VA.3.H.2.1- Compare differences or similarities in artworks across time and culture.

VA.4.H.2.1-Explore works of art, created over time, to identify the use of the structural elements of art in an historical event or art style.

VA.5.H.2.1-Compare works of art on the basis of style, culture, or artist across time to identify visual differences.

Correlated L.A. Standards
LAFS.2.RL.1.3/2.5/3.7, LAFS.2.RI.1.1/1.2/2.5
LAFS.3.RL.1.1/1.3/3.7, LAFS.3.L.3.4.a&d
LAFS.4.RL.1.1/1.3/3.7, LAFS.4.L.3.5c
LAFS.5.RL.1.1/1.3/3.7 LAFS.5.L.3.4a&c

Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)

Genre:  n/a

Artistic Style:   Utilitarian/Functional

Content/Meaning: Figurative

Media/Technique: Textile/Fiber

Other:  QuiltTexture

Historical Art / Artist Reference

1.     Visuals: Teacher sample, Reference Lesson Plan
3.     Videos:           

-Create a gawu

· Black paper 9"X12"
· Recycled paper
· Art Stix
· Scissors
· Glue Stick

1) Cut and glue pieces of paper to form lines and shapes
2) Draw lines and shapes using art stix

Home Learning

Due Date: February 23

1) Learn vocabulary words

2) Reading assignment: The Meaning Behind Kente Cloth

SDI Projects
Practice drawing lines and shapes and writing in cursive

A painting dedicated to the founders of Black History Month, the Black United Students at Kent State University, by Ernie Pryor.[1]One of a series of murals covering the walls of the Center of Pan-African Culture at Kent State University's Oscar Ritchie Hall.


Image result for d rop

1) Every Drop Counts---> Click HERE for Poster Details
                          ---> Click HERE for examples
Deadline: February 28, 2018
There is no excuse for child abuse
2) Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness---> Click HERE for Poster Details
---> Click HERE for examples

Values Matter

Value of the Month

Click HERE to view a video about Kindness
How can you display Kindness during art classes?
Reference: Values Matter