
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Activities for January 2020

Happy New Year 2020!  To celebrate the new year we are going to explore some of the Chinese New Year's Celebration Traditions.  We will use shapes, symmetry, and patterns to build a 3D moving Dragon model.  Scroll down for the lesson details.  You can also participate in the "Every Drop Counts" poster contest.  See the Art Contest Section for information. 

Lesson 1-3 / Dates
January 6 – January 17

Essential Question
What is the role of the Visual Arts in Ancient traditions?

V.A. Standards
Big Idea: The arts reflect and document cultural trends and historical events, and help explain how new directions in the arts have emerged.

VA.2.H.2.1- Identify differences or similarities in artworks across time and culture.

VA.3.H.2.1- Compare differences or similarities in artworks across time and culture.

VA.4.H.2.1-Explore works of art, created over time, to identify the use of the structural elements of art in an historical event or art style.

VA.5.H.2.1-Compare works of art on the basis of style, culture, or artist across time to identify visual differences.

Correlated STEM Standards
Science: SC.2.P.13.4 Demonstrate that the Greater the Applied Force, the Greater the Change in Motion 
SC.3.P.10.1 Identify Forms of Energy
SC.4.P.12.1 Objects in Motion
SC.5.P.13.2 Changes in Motion  

Technology: LAFS.3.RL.1.1/1.2
Math: MAFS.2.MD.1.1 - A. Measure the Length
MAFS.3.MD.1.1 - C. Measure Length
MAFS.4.OA.3.5 - E. Symmetry
MAFS.5.MD.2.2 - C. Numerical Patterns

Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)

Genre n/a

Artistic Style:   Abstract

Content/Meaning: n/a


Historical Art / Artist Reference

3.     Videos: 

Create a 3D Moving Dragon


· Multi-Colored Papers
· Colored Pencils
· Scissors
· Glue Stick

1- Chose a type of Moving Dragon to create using available materials.
2- Use computers to research on how to build a moving dragon.
3- Use paper and other found materials to build a 3D prototype of a moving dragon.
4- Use a video camera to record the dragon’s movements.

Home Learning
Due Date: January 19

1) Learn vocabulary words

2) Reading assignment:  Chinese New Year 2020

3) Sketchbook: Practice drawing other Origami designs
Learn Stop Motion Animation here -> StikBot
Art careers related to the unit

Critique the finished Dragons
Enrichment Projects
Explore other ways of expressing Asian culture through art and/or explore anime styles

SDI Projects
Practice drawing lines and shapes and writing in cursive


Values Matter

Value of the Month

Click HERE to view a video about the Pursuit of Excellence
How can you display the Pursuit of Excellence during art classes?
Reference: Values Matter