
Monday, January 3, 2022

Activities for January 2022


Happy New Year 2022!  Woohoo! To celebrate the new year we are going to explore some of the Asian New Year's Celebration Traditions.   We will create a project mash-up with the Japanese art of Notan and the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama! We will use more shapes, symmetry, and patterns to draw and build a Pop-Up Book.  Scroll down for the lesson details.  

Lesson 1-2 / Dates
January 3 – January 20

Essential Question
What is the role of the Visual Arts in Ancient traditions?

                                                    Chinese New Year 2022
              Tuesday, February 1

Lesson 1-2 / Dates
January 3 – January 14

Create an an Notan/Kusama style abstract art

        Historical Art / Artist Reference

Featured Arts/Artists


Nōtan (濃淡) is a Japanese design concept involving the play and placement of light and dark elements as they are placed next to the other in the composition of art and imagery.


Yayoi Kusama (草間 彌生, Kusama Yayoi is a Japanese contemporary artist who works primarily in sculpture and installation.

Examples of Notan-Kusama Designs

· Multi-Colored Papers
· Colored Pencils
· Scissors
· Glue Stick

1) Trace a square paper into a complementary paper
2) Design a few shapes
3) Cut off and glue the shapes
4) Use colored pencils to color the designs

Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)

Genre n/a

Artistic Style:   Abstract

Content/Meaning: n/a


Lesson 3-4 / Dates
January 18 – February 4

Essential Question
What are the connections among the arts and other disciplines?


Click HERE to follow the steps to create a professional looking Pop-Up Book
Or copy paste: 

Click HERE for online sites to create your own e-book

Example for the cover:

Example for the pages:

Example for the book:

V.A. Standards
Big Idea: Connections among the arts and other disciplines strengthen learning and the ability to transfer knowledge and skills to and from other fields.

VA.2.S.1.2- Use diverse resources to inspire expression of personal ideas and experiences in works of art.

VA.3.S.1.2- Use diverse resources to inspire artistic expression and achieve varied results.

VA.4.H.3.1-Discuss how analytical skills and thinking strategies are applied to both art production and problem-solving in other content areas.

VA.5.H.3.1-Discuss how skills learned through the analysis and art-making process are used to solve problems in non-art areas.

Correlated STEM Standards
Science: SC.2.P.13.4 Demonstrate that the Greater the Applied Force, the Greater the Change in Motion 
SC.3.P.10.1 Identify Forms of Energy
SC.4.P.12.1 Objects in Motion
SC.5.P.13.2 Changes in Motion  

Technology: LAFS.3.RL.1.1/1.2
Math: MAFS.2.MD.1.1 - A. Measure the Length
MAFS.3.MD.1.1 - C. Measure Length
MAFS.4.OA.3.5 - E. Symmetry
MAFS.5.MD.2.2 - C. Numerical Patterns

Create a a Pop-Up Book about Native Florida Species

· Multi-Colored Papers
· Colored Pencils
· Scissors
· Ruler
· Glue Stick
· Clear Tape

1-Take the 20 cm x 20 cm pieces of paper and fold both in half neatly and
2- On one of the sheets, mark two points: 5 cm up and 5 cm down from the
center of the fold. 
3 - On the same sheet, mark two more points: 5 cm right and 5 cm left
of the center of the fold. 
4 - Draw diagonal lines connecting all four points. 
5 - Fold the paper together and use scissors to cut along the center of the diamond. 
6 - Cut from the center point out toward the point where the diagonal lines connect. 
7 - Use the back of the scissors to score the marked lines, and fold along the scored lines. 
     When the finished work is opened, the mouth will open. 
8 - Glue a sheet with the mouth to the other sheet of paper. 
     Avoid gluing the mouth to be sure it will pop open.

                    Endangered Species
                    Ivory Billed-Woodpecker
                    Kirtland's Warbler
                    Red Cockaded Woodpecker
                    Bachman's Warbler
                        Miami-Blue Butterfly
                   Critical Species:
                        Largetooth Sawfish
                        Nassau Grouper
                        Florida Panther
                        West Indian Manatee
                       American Alligator
                   American Crocodile
                   Green Sea Turtle
                   Eastern Indigo Snake


Home Learning
Due Date: February 4

1) Learn vocabulary words

2) Reading assignment:  

3) Sketchbook: Practice creating other book designs

Art careers related to the unit

Critique the finished Books
Enrichment Projects
Explore other ways of expressing Asian culture through art and/or explore anime styles

SDI Projects
Practice drawing lines and shapes and writing in cursive


Values Matter

Value of the Month

Click HERE to view a video about the Pursuit of Excellence
How can you display the Pursuit of Excellence during art classes?
Reference: Values Matter