
Monday, March 6, 2023

Activities for March 2023


March is bringing a series of fun-filled activities with the celebration of Women's History Month, Dr. Seuss's Birthday, Pi Day, St. Patrick's Day, and the beginning of Spring with Spring Break!  You will find below the art activities related to each of these events.

5 Women Artists' StoriesAmazing Women in Black History

Nobel Prize Awarded Women

7 awe-inspiring children's books to celebrate Women's History Month

Women in Art History 

Lesson 1-2 / Dates

March 6 – March 17

Big Idea:

VA.2/3/4/5.H – Historical & Global Connections

VA.2/3/4/5.S – Skills, Techniques, and Processes

VA.2/3/4/5.F – Innovation, Technology, and the Future

VA.5.O – Organizational Structure


Essential Questions:

What is printmaking?

How does adding and subtracting to your artwork affect the design?

How do artists and designers care for and maintain materials, tools, and equipment?



VA.2.H.2.2, VA.3.H.2.1, VA.4.H.2.1, VA.5.C.1.1

VA.2.S.1.1, VA.3.S.2.2, VA.4.S.2.2, VA.5.S.3.3

VA.2.F.2.1, VA.3.F.1.2, VA.4.F.1.1, VA.5.O.1.3


Art History & Art Appreciation Connections:

9 Printmakers You and Your Students Will Love - The Art of Education University

10 Famous Artist Printmakers - Printed Editions (

The Best Way to Scaffold Your Printmaking Instruction - The Art of Education University


Genre: n/a

Artistic Style:   Abstract


Design Elements: LineTexture, Color

Design Principles:  pattern

Other: brayer, collagraphy, print, linoleum print, monoprint, press, proof relief, relief print, printing, negative space, positive space

Albrecht Durer, The Rhinoceros, Wood Cut, 1515

Rembrandt van Rijn, Self-Portrait with cap, 1630

Hokusai, Kajikazawa in Kai Province, Woodblock Print, 1830-33

Pablo Picasso, Family Scene, Linocut, 1962

Andy Warhol, Peace Prints, Screen Print, 1969

Elizabeth Catlett, Sharecropper, 1952

Historical Art / Artist Reference

Elizabeth Catlett | MoMA

Featured Arts/Artists

Activity 1

Create a monoprint inspired by Elizabeth Catlett’s art style.


· Black Paper 8” X 8”

· Choice of warm colored paper 6” X 6”

· Glue Stick

· Black tempera paint

· Printing Stencil

· Brayer


1) Glue your choice of colored paper at the center of the black paper

2) Use the brayer to apply ink to the stencil

3) Press the stencil on the black paper


Head of a Woman - Elizabeth Catlett
Portrait of a Woman - Elizabeth Catlett
Rosa Parks - Elizabeth Catlett

Activity 2

Draw an activist woman using positive and negative space inspired Elizabeth Catlett’s art style



· White Paper 9” X 12”

· Pencil


1) Draw your sketch

2) Shade your drawing

For Extra Credit

Happy Spring Break: March 20 - 24

Learn about March as National Craft Month HERE

Lesson 2 / Dates

March 27 – April 6

Big Idea:

VA.2/3/4/5.H – Historical & Global Connections

VA.2/3/4/5.S – Skills, Techniques, and Processes

VA.2/3/4/5.F – Innovation, Technology, and the Future

VA.5.O – Organizational Structure

Essential Questions:

What is an illustrator?

How do illustrators use art to tell a story?

How do book illustrations help you understand a story?


VA.2.H.2.2, VA.3.H.2.2, VA.4.C.2.1, VA.5.C.1.1

VA.2.S.1.1, VA.3.S.3.1, VA.4.S.3.1, VA.5.S.2.3

VA.2.F.2.1, VA.3.F.1.2, VA.4.F.1.1, VA.5.O.1.3

Art History & Art Appreciation Connections:


Genre: n/a

Artistic Style:   n/a


Design Elements: Line, Texture,  Shape

Design Principles:  Emphasis

Other: draft, edit, drawing, design, narrative, storytelling, zine

Activity 3

Illustrate a 6-page story based on an impactful woman scientist.

STEAM Process

1- Define the constraints 

2- Take notes and think of solutions

3- Make a plan using the following resources

4- Follow your plan and adjust it if necessary

5- Record your evidence throughout the process



Students will observe and describe major stages in the life cycles of plants and animals, including beans and butterflies.

Students will use the story of a woman scientist to explain a concept.


Students will use a laptop to research a woman scientist, images and designs. 

Students will use MS Word to write a draft st­ory where the chosen woman scientist is the main character.


Students will build an illustrated paper manuscript or book dummy based on their draft using an 9" X 12" white sheet of paper.



Students will experiment with tools and techniques as part of art-making processes.

Students will experiment with the art of illustration and bookmaking.­



Students will be given a group of up to 20 objects, count the number of objects in that group and represent the number of objects with a written numeral. State the number of objects in a rearrangement of that group without recounting.

Students will use their problem-solving skills to count and write the number of pages in their booklets.


· White Paper 9” X 12”

· Pencils

· Black sharpies

· Scissors



1) Build your booklet inspired by the resources (Click on the blue links)

2) Research your story

3) Write your text

4) Illustrate your story

5) Color and trace all lines and text

Home Learning

Due Date: March 31

1) Learn vocabulary words 

2) Reading assignments:
Women in History

Art careers related to the unit

Art EducationIllustrationCraftFashion DesignProduct Design


Critique the finished drawings

Enrichment Projects

Learn about March as National Craft Month HERE

Explore ways of drawing gardens HERE


SDI Projects

Practice drawing lines and shapes and writing in cursive

Values Matter

Value of the Month

How can you display Cooperation during art classes?

Reference: Values Matter