
Lessons 2015-2016

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June 2016


View Reference Images HERE and movies HERE

Comic Books

Click HERE for Instructions

May 2016

Mini Lessons

3D Hand

Vanishing Point

Hole Illusion

April 2016

Surrealist Portraits

Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)

Artistic Style:   Surrealism

Content/Meaning: Realism

Other:  relationship, background, foreground

Historical Art / Artist Reference

1.    Visuals: Teacher sample
2.    Websites: Biography - Work
3.    Video:  Museed’Art Haitien

Lesson 1-2 Dates
April 18 22-April 29 

Essential Question
Why is art a mean of communication?

VA.2.C.1.1- Use the art-making process to communicate personal interests and self-expression.
VA.3.C.1.1- Use the art-making process to develop ideas for self-expression.
VA.4.C.1.1- Integrate ideas during the art-making process to convey meaning in personal works of art.
VA.5.C.1.1- Develop a range of interests in the art-making process to influence personal decision-making.

Create an Haitian Art, Bernard Sejourne, inspired drawing

1) Draw a Haitian Woman Bust
2) Color using markers

Home Learning
Due Date: March 4
1) Learn vocabulary words 2) read article Women in the history of art

Art careers related to the unit

Critique one of Bernard Sejourne’s paintings
Enrichment Projects
Explore surrealism and use it in your work


Mini Lessons

One Point Perspective

  1. Place your paper in front of you vertically
  2. Draw a an X across your paper from the top left corner to the right lower corner and from the top right corner to the lower left corner
  3. Draw the horizon line across the center of the X 
  4. Draw two acute angle lines at the bottom of the X to make the sidewalks
  5. Draw the furthest tree (it looks the smallest).  Start drawing the tree trunk almost touching the sidewalk.  Draw the tree trunk lines parallel to the side of your paper.  Draw the top of the tree so that it touches the top guideline (the top of the X)
  6. Draw the other trees on the same side drawing them the same way as the first tree but bigger as they are closer
  7. Draw trees the same way on the opposite side 
  8. Draw the road markings: 1 line then a small acute triangle, the a medium trapezoid, then a large trapezoid
  9. Draw parallel lines on the sidewalks
  10. Draw details: grass, mountains, clouds, birds etc...

Mother's Day Cards


  1. Fold a white piece of drawing paper in half 
  2. Place the cover of your card vertically in front of you
  3. Draw a big heart in the middle
  4. Use a ruler to draw paralell lines from the bottom of the paper
  5. Draw in the heart curved lines connected to the paralell lines
  6. Choose a series of warm colors or cool colors
  7. Keep them in the same order when you use them
  8. Start coloring a line from top to bottom
  9. Continue with the next color until you go through all colors
  10. Repeat the same colors in the same order until done
  11. If you chose to write in the middle of the heart, color the letters

PowerPoint Basics

Click ---> HERE for tutorial

March 2016

People Caring


Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)

Artistic Style:   Impressionism

Content/Meaning: Realism

Media/TechniqueDrawing, Oil Pastels

Other:  relationship, background, foreground

Historical Art / Artist Reference

1.    Visuals: Teacher sample, Model Lesson, Photos
3.    Video:  Mary Cassatt Paintings

Lesson 1-2 Dates
February 22- March 4

Essential Question
Why is Mary Cassatt important as an artist?

VA.2.C.1.1- Use the art-making process to communicate personal interests and self-expression.
VA.3.C.1.1- Use the art-making process to develop ideas for self-expression.
VA.4.C.1.1- Integrate ideas during the art-making process to convey meaning in personal works of art.
VA.5.C.1.1- Develop a range of interests in the art-making process to influence personal decision-making.

Create an oil pastel painting showing a close relationship between two people

1) Draw a scene showing two or more people
2) Color using oil pastels

Home Learning
Due Date: March 4
1) Learn vocabulary words 2) read article Women in the history of art

Art careers related to the unit

Critique one of Mary Cassatt paintings
Enrichment Projects
Explore impressionism and use it in your work

Mary Cassatt- The Complete Works

1-How to Draw a Leprechaun

2-How to Draw Hands and Flowers
Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973) was an artistic virtuoso who co-founded Cubism, and produced an astounding 20,000 paintings, prints, drawings and sculptures during his brilliant 70-year career.

Lesson Reference: Click HERE

Hands Gestures Reference Images: Click HERE

Flowers Reference Images: Click HERE

Georgia O'Keeffe Flowers: Click HERE
Georgia O'Keeffe (1887-1986) was an American artist. She is best known for her paintings of enlarged flowers, New York skyscrapers, and New Mexico landscapes. O'Keeffe has been recognized as the "Mother of American modernism".

February 2016

Love Cards

Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)

Artistic Style:   Pop Art

Content/Meaning: Utilitarian/Functional

Media/TechniqueDrawing, Print, Sculpture

Other: Typography

Historical Art / Artist Reference


Lesson 1 Dates: February  8- 12

Essential Question
What is the purpose of art in everyday life?
VA.2.C.3.2- Compare artworks with utilitarian objects and use accurate art vocabulary to describe how they are the same and how they are different.
VA.3.C.3.2- Describe the connections between visual art and other contexts through observation and art criticism.
VA.4.C.3.2-Compare purposes for the structural elements of art and organizational principles of design in artworks and utilitarian objects.
VA.5.C.3.2-Use art-criticism processes to form a hypothesis about an artist’s or designer’s intent when creating artworks and/or utilitarian objects.

Create a Valentine’s Day card inspired by Robert Indiana’s Love print

1) Draw the letters “LOVE” on a square
2) Color the letters with at least 3 colors
3) Fold a pink or light blue paper in half
4) Glue the “LOVE” square on the cover

Home Learning
Due Date: February 12
1) Learn vocabulary words 2) read articles

Art careers related to the unit

Critique other print work from Robert Indiana
Enrichment Projects
Practice drawing with letters


Egyptian Portraits

Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)
Artistic Style:   Egyptian Art
Content/Meaning: Utilitarian/Functional
Other:  Bust
Historical Art / Artist Reference
Lesson 1-3 Dates: January 11- 29
Essential Question
Why do artists create work based on cultural activities?
VA.2.H.2.1- Identify differences or similarities in artworks across time and culture.
VA.3.H.2.1- Compare differences or similarities in artworks across time and culture. VA.4.H.2.1-Explore works of art, created over time, to identify the use of the structural elements of art in an historical event or art style..
VA.5.H.2.1-Compare works of art on the basis of style, culture, or artist across time to identify visual differences.
Create a personalized  Egyptian bust
Home Learning
Due Dates: January 29
1) Learn vocabulary words 2) read article about Egypt
Art careers related to the unit
Critique one of the Visual Resources presented in class
Enrichment Projects
Explore Egyptian Art

January 2016

Chinese Lanterns

Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)
Artistic Style:  Craft
Content/Meaning: Utilitarian/Functional
Other:  Lantern, Tradition

Historical Art / Artist Reference
Lesson 1-3 Dates: Jan 4 - Jan 22
Essential Question
Why do artists create work based on cultural activities?
VA.2.H.1.1- Identify examples in which artists have created works based on cultural and life experiences.
VA.3.H.1.1- Describe cultural similarities and differences in works of art.
VA.4.H.1.1- Identify historical and cultural influences that have inspired artists to produce works of art.
VA.5.H.1.1- Examine historical and cultural influences that inspire artists and their work.
Create Chinese lanterns
Home Learning
Due Dates: January 15
1) Learn vocabulary words 2) read assignments 3) Complete Quarterly Online Assessment
Art careers related to the unit
Critique the quality of the patterns
Enrichment Projects
Create other Chinese inspired artwork

December 2015

Holidays Mini Paintings

Still Life




Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)

Artistic Style:  Craft, Graphic Design

Content/Meaning: Utilitarian/Functional


Other:  Hanukkah, Kwanza

Historical Art / Artist Reference

Lesson 1-3 
Dates: Nov 30- Dec 18

Essential Question
Why do artists create work based on cultural activities?


VA.2.H.1.1- Identify examples in which artists have created works based on cultural and life experiences.
VA.3.H.1.1- Describe cultural similarities and differences in works of art.
VA.4.H.1.1- Identify historical and cultural influences that have inspired artists to produce works of art.
VA.5.H.1.1- Examine historical and cultural influences that inspire artists and their work.

Create Holiday Cards using at least four different painting genres
Steps: 1) Fold a white paper in 4sections 2) Draw with colored pencils a different genre in each section 3) Cut out drawings 4) Glue drawings on colored papers folded in half

Home Learning
 Due Dates: December 11

1) Learn vocabulary words 2) read information in this lesson
Art careers related to the unit

Critique your card content
Enrichment Projects
Create various artwork from each genre

November 2015


Mini Lesson

Steps to complete Artifact

1- Draw the turkey and children
2- Color
3- Write Thanks on a white paper
4- Glue the white paper
5- Cut around the shapes
6- Tape strings or staples 
     according to choice of artifact

Native American Heritage Month

Native Americans in the United States

Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)

Artistic Style: Naïve

Content/Meaning: Utilitarian/Functional


Other: scroll, symbol

Wiigwaasabak or Birch Bark Scrolls

Historical Art / Artist Reference

Lesson 1 – Dates: Nov 2-6

Essential Question
Why is the visual arts part of ancient traditions?


VA.2.H.2.2- Identify objects from everyday life that have been designed and created using artistic skills.
VA.3.H.2.2- Examine artworks and utilitarian objects, and describe their significance in the school and/or community.
VA.4.H.2.2-Identify differences between artworks and utilitarian objects.
VA.5.H.2.2-Describe the ways in which artworks and utilitarian objects impact everyday life.
VA.68.H.2.2-Explain the impact artwork and utilitarian objects have on the human experience.


Create a Native American Scroll

Home Learning

Due Dates: November 13

1) Learn vocabulary words 2) read assignments 
Lesson 2 – Dates: November 9-13

Essential Question

What are principles of design?


VA.2.S.1.1- Experiment with tools and techniques as part of art-making processes
VA.3.S.1.1- Manipulate tools and media to enhance communication in personal artworks
VA.4.S.1.1-Manipulate tools and materials to achieve diverse effects in personal works of art
VA.5.S.1.1-Use various art tools, media, and techniques to discover how different choices change the effect on the meaning of an artwork

2) Finish drawing symbols on scroll
Art careers related to the unit

Critique your story
Enrichment Projects
Explore patterns: create a pattern using Native Americans symbols

October 2015


Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)

Artistic Style: Realism

Content/Meaning: Figurative


Design Elements: LineShapeTexture  

Design PrinciplesProportionScale

Historical Art / Artist Reference


Lesson 1 – Dates: Oct 5-9

Essential Question
Why is it important to experiment with different media?


VA.2.S.1.1- Experiment with tools and techniques as part of art-making processes
VA.3.S.1.1- Manipulate tools and media to enhance communication in personal artworks
VA.4.S.1.1-Manipulate tools and materials to achieve diverse effects in personal works of art
VA.5.S.1.1-Use various art tools, media, and techniques to discover how different choices change the effect on the meaning of an artwork


1) Draw the Girl with a pearl earring

Home Learning

Due Dates: October 12-16
1) Learn Vocabulary Words
The Lacemaker

Lesson 2 – Dates: October 12-16

Essential Question
How do we use art criticism?


VA.2.S.1.4- Use accurate art vocabulary to discuss art.

VA.3.S.1.4- Choose accurate art vocabulary to describe works of art and art processes.

VA.4.S.1.4- Use accurate art vocabulary to discuss works of art and the creative process.

VA.5.S.1.4- Use accurate art vocabulary to communicate about works of art and artistic and creative processes.
Girl with a flute

Art careers related to the unit

Select one painting to critique
Enrichment Projects
Explore lines and texture


Johannes Vermeer

Detail of the painting The Procuress (c. 1656), considered to be a self portrait by Vermeer.[1]
Baptized 31 October 1632Delft, Dutch Republic
15 December 1675 (aged 43)
Delft, Dutch Republic
Known for
Notable work

Mini Lesson

Day of the Dead Celebration


September 2015

2nd - 3rd
4th - 5th
Mother's Helper

Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)

Genres: Scene 

Artistic Style: Realism

Content/Meaning: Figurative


Design Elements: LineShape  

Design PrinciplesProportionScale

Historical Art / Artist Reference


Lesson 1/2 – Dates: Sep 8-Sep 11

Essential Question

What is the connection between art and culture?


VA.2.H.1.1- Identify examples in which artists have created works based on cultural and life experiences.

VA.3.H.1.1- Describe cultural similarities and differences in works of art.

VA.4.H.1.1- Identify historical and cultural influences that have inspired artists to produce works of art.

VA.5.H.1.1- Examine historical and cultural influences that inspire artists and their work.


1) Color the background 

2) Draw and color the foreground 

Home Learning

Due Dates: September 15-18
1) Learn Vocabulary Words

The Flower Seller

Lesson 2/3 – Dates: September 15-25

Essential Question
How do we use art criticism?


VA.2.S.1.4- Use accurate art vocabulary to discuss art.

VA.3.S.1.4- Choose accurate art vocabulary to describe works of art and art processes.

VA.4.S.1.4- Use accurate art vocabulary to discuss works of art and the creative process.

VA.5.S.1.4- Use accurate art vocabulary to communicate about works of art and artistic and creative processes.


3) Cut off the foreground 

4) Glue the foreground to the background 5) Glue the border to the background

5) Write a core value related to your image on the bottom border with a white pencil

Home Learning

Due Dates: September 21-25
1) Read about Hispanic Heritage Month ( 
and Diego Rivera ( )

El Vendedor de Alcatraces by Diego Rivera

Art careers related to the unit

Select one painting to critique

Enrichment Projects
Learn new color names (Use the chart)


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