
Parents' Section

Welcome to the parent section of our art site!

            I am excited to have your child as my art student.  We will embark on a creative journey that will take us through all the continents while exploring different media, artistic styles, and content.
We will also experiment with various design elements and visual art principles. 

First, your child will need some art supplies to use during class.  Please provide your child with the following to create assignments: 
      ·       a pack of copy paper
      ·       a pack of construction paper 
      ·       a sketchbook/drawing papers 
·       a set of 10 big multi-colored markers
·       a set of 12 colored pencils
·       a set of 12 crayons
·       a pair of scissors
·       a pack of pencils to last the year
·       a set of sharpeners to last the year
·       a set of erasers to last the year
·       a set of glue sticks to last the year

 Furthermore,  our art class rules are the same as your child's homeroom class. I'm counting on your child to behave so that we may enjoy creating lots of fun artwork!

Lastly, please be aware that grades will be awarded based on these criteria: following directions, effort, creativity, behavior, class readiness, assignment completion, comprehension assessments, homework, attendance, and final artwork overall presentation. 
          I am looking forward to a great creative year! You may contact me at any time by calling 305-945-1511 or emailing me at

See the source image

We recognize the fact that a visual arts education plays an essential and integral part in the life of an educated citizen.

In a school setting, the visual arts assist the classroom to move beyond one-dimensional instruction and into a productive and complex interdisciplinary context. The program prepares students for further studies should they choose to make the visual arts a career; and to be an informed viewer with refined visual perception to enrich a creative life.

For more information on the MDCPS Visual Art Program visit:

Image result for mdcps vpa
Parents/Guardians, if you are interested in enrolling your child in a Visual Art Magnet Program please visit the resources below for more information.

Visit MIAMIMAGNETS.ORG or Call 305-995-1922

Applications must be submitted by January 15
You may select up to 5 schools
Select only one (1) program per school
You must contact the schools to find out about additional requirements

Visual & Performing Arts talent programs provide intellectually stimulating and educationally challenging classes in the arts. Students and teachers engage in a continuous exchange with numerous opportunities to develop and showcase talents.

Click on the links for information on all the Art Magnet Programs

Also look into the Miamiarts Charter School:

Note that if you have access to the Parent Portal it will be easier to fill out the application from there because some of the information will be pre-filled.  Just sign in and click on the Magnet Programs section. To sign in to the Parent Portal click HERE

Why are the Visual Arts important? 
Read this article about the subject by clicking HERE
 10 Real-World Ways Art Class Can Impact Your Life
Read Article HERE
Study about how Art makes you mentally healthier.  Read HERE

Art & Design Career Paths
A full list of all the career opportunities open to artists and designers would be nearly impossible to write – and just as difficult to read. There careers open to the artistically-minded individual are nearly infinite. Here’s just a snippet of the fields within art & design that are available to aesthetically creative people. 
Read HERE an article about a 10-year-old artist.

Why ceasing to be creative is a mistake - Read Article HERE

Hello Families,

This year we will be using Tinkercad, a 3D CAD design tool, to encourage creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration in our classroom. Tinkercad is a free and web-based application. This means that students may access and work on their designs both at school and at home using almost any computer that is connected to the internet, without having to install any software.

Tinkercad accounts are open to Tinkerers of all ages! You may also create a parent account so that you can log in to see what your child is making, reset passwords, change usernames as necessary, and even start designing. For more information about this, please visit:

By using Tinkercad, your child is joining the largest community of 3D design and 3D printing enthusiasts of its kind. The skills they will be learning are directly connected to innovative careers such as building, architecture, animation, engineering, industrial design, and more.
Through the use of this learning tool, they will be able to go from mind to design in minutes. To learn more about 3D design and modeling, please visit:

I look forward to a great year as we incorporate the use of technology in our classroom and inspire your child to design and create.

Thank you! 

You may contact me if you need additional information by emailing me at 
or by calling 305-945-1511 (Oak Grove Elementary) 

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