
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Activities for May

May starts with the celebration of Mother's Day on Sunday May 11.  Therefore we are going to dedicate the first week making mother's day cards.  

Additionally May is also dedicated as Haitian Heritage Month.  We are going to emulate artists in Jacmel, Haiti to get inspiration for our artwork.

During mid May we will prepare for Career Day by drawing about what we aspire to become when we grow up.

Toward the later part of the month we are going to explore the exciting world of comics, namely the Marvel world and create our own characters and comic books.

May's activities can be experienced through the Lesson section.  Enjoy!


  1. Ms. Wawa, I am flattered that you linked to my Mother's Day cards. May I ask how you stumbled upon my work? Thanks for all you do as an elementary school teacher!

    1. Hi there! I googled up mother's day cards images and found your set of cards to offer the perfect combination of easy feasibility and impactful results. I loved the way you used simple shapes with bright colors. My students loved them even more then I with their Oooooo's and Haaaaa's when I showed them your page. I thank you for generously offering such creativity. I don't know where you are located but in this case you helped make children and mothers from Miami Beach happy.

    2. Ms. Wawa, I am in Maryland. Happy to help you and your students in Miami Beach. Please tell them I said thank you for all of the virtual "oooh's and aaaah's"!

  2. Ms. Wawa, please thank your students for their virtual "oooh's and aaaaah's"!
