We are off to a great start for the school year! Between September 15 and October 15 we will be celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month by creating Mola inspired art work. Visit the Lesson section for details.
Please assist your children in completing their online quiz assignments. There will be one quiz assigned for each lesson. These quizzes are designed to gauge the knowledge retained by students and prepare them for the upcoming end of the year online visual arts standardized state florida assessment.
This link ---->
Current Art Quizzes , contains the available tests to be taken. Refer to the Lesson section for the due dates.
Finally your children need all the help you can provide in obtaining art supplies for this year. There was NO art material appropriated to the visual art department at Oak Grove this year. This situation makes it essential for students to bring the art supplies requested (see previous post for list).
Furthermore, we are asking for your monetary contribution in funding the grants I have written to alleviate the issues that comes with lack of art material. Please visit, act and refer the following links in order for our students to be able to keep on being creative in art classes.
To have your donation matched dollar for dollar, enter the promo code INSPIRE on the payment screen.