
Monday, December 1, 2014

Activities for December

The last month of the year is here!  To end 2014 in style we are going to create Holiday Ornaments while learning to evaluate our work to meet our objectives and improve upon our original artistic vision.  Go to the "Lessons" page for the details.

This is also the time to deepen our knowledge of the visual arts by reviewing what we learned so far this year.  To help you know if you are on the right track take the available online quizzes HERE.


Saturday, November 1, 2014

Activities for November

Welcome to the 11th month of the year!  

We are going to learn during the month of November about the relationship between the visual arts and utilitarian objects.  Check out the Lessons section for details.
We are also going to stay involved with our community by participating in poster contests.  Look them up in the Art Contests section.
Don't forget to take your weekly tests!  Click HERE to take the available tests for your class.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Activities for October

October is an exciting month!  Fall has begun and we celebrate by drawing leaves.  We get involve in lots of community activities like the WalkSafe program, Awareness ribbons (mainly pink for breast cancer and red for saying no to drugs),  and Halloween!

Check our "Lessons" and "Art Contests" pages for updates on these subjects.
 Also keep on checking the "Resources" page for new art sites and videos.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Activities for September

We are off to a great start for the school year! Between September 15 and October 15 we will be celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month by creating Mola inspired art work.  Visit the Lesson section for details.

Please assist your children in completing their online quiz assignments.  There will be one quiz assigned for each lesson.  These quizzes are designed to gauge the knowledge retained by students and prepare them for the upcoming end of the year online visual arts standardized state florida assessment.

This link ----> Current Art Quizzes , contains the available tests to be taken.  Refer to the Lesson section for the due dates.

Finally your children need all the help you can provide in obtaining art supplies for this year.  There was NO art material appropriated to the visual art department at Oak Grove this year.  This situation makes it essential for students to bring the art supplies requested (see previous post for list).

Furthermore,  we are asking for your monetary contribution in funding the grants I have written to alleviate the issues that comes with lack of art material. Please visit, act and refer the following links in order for our students to be able to keep on being creative in art classes.

To have your donation matched dollar for dollar, enter the promo code INSPIRE on the payment screen.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Welcome Back Artists!

Why The Arts?

(Click on link to play video)

Welcome to the new school year!

I am excited to have you as my art student.  We will embark in a creative journey that will take us through all the continents while exploring different media, artistic styles and content.  We will also experiment with various design elements and visual art principles. 

First you will need some art supplies to use during class.  Please come to school with:
·       a set of 10 big multi-colored markers
·       a set of 12 colored pencils
·       a set of 12 crayons
·       a pack of pencils to last the year
·       a set of sharpeners to last the year
·       a set of erasers to last the year
·       a set of glue sticks to last the year

 Furthermore remember that our art class rules are the same as your homeroom class. I'm counting on you to behave so that we may enjoy creating lots of fun art work!

Lastly, please be aware that grades will be awarded based on these criteria: following directions, effort, creativity, behavior, class readiness, assignment completion, comprehension assessments, homework, attendance and final artwork overall presentation. 

            I am looking forward to a great creative year! You may contact me at anytime by calling 305-945-1511 or emailing me at

Vocabulary (click on links for definitions)

Reading Assignment
Learn about Art Jobs (click on link)

Home Learning
Week1 - Bring Art Supplies 
Week2/3 - Complete Online Quiz- (THIS QUIZ IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE)
                                     1) Where it says "Your Name" type 
                                         your last name, first name/grade/homeroom teacher's name 

                                      2)  Press Continue and answer the questions
                                      3)  When done press Submit

Note: if you choose to take the quiz several times I will only count the first one.
Practice drawing subjects using your chosen art career




Thursday, May 1, 2014

Activities for May

May starts with the celebration of Mother's Day on Sunday May 11.  Therefore we are going to dedicate the first week making mother's day cards.  

Additionally May is also dedicated as Haitian Heritage Month.  We are going to emulate artists in Jacmel, Haiti to get inspiration for our artwork.

During mid May we will prepare for Career Day by drawing about what we aspire to become when we grow up.

Toward the later part of the month we are going to explore the exciting world of comics, namely the Marvel world and create our own characters and comic books.

May's activities can be experienced through the Lesson section.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Activities for April

During the month of April we will participate in the blue ribbon awareness contest (see the section Art Contests for details), we will explore the art of the master Joan Miro and imitate the papier mache style of children in Jacmel, Haiti (click on the Lessons tab for information).

More importantly, we will create all these projects while bringing down the SAT and FACT!!!

What an exciting month!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Activities during the month of March

Even though the month of March is going to offer only three weeks of activities because of spring recess (Yay!), it is still going to be packed with fun projects.

First and foremost we will be celebrating Women's History Month with the one and only Lady Liberty!  Our featured visual artist is Bartholdi.  We highlight sculpture as an art career. Check out this project's directives on the Lessons page.

Then we will continue with our poster contest listed on the Art Contests page.

On March 17 we will enjoy making St Patrick's Day related craft.  Check out our Lessons section for the surprise activity.

Last but not least we will celebrate the beginning of Spring by creating flowers, butterflies and frogs! The details will be posted by mid March on the Lessons page.

Happy month of March!

Youth Fair Student Exhibits
Congratulations Tiger Artists!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Current Activity

As we celebrate Black History Month during February, we will look into the art of creating African Masks.  Click on the Lesson tab to get the details.

World Map

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Current Activities

During the first month of the year the students will learn how to use water colors to create an Asian inspired cherry blossom painting. 
Please visit the Lessons Tab for more details.