
Friday, September 30, 2016

Activities for October

October brings the fall season. It also brings a series of art competitions that will keep us busy throughout the month. We are each week going to tackle in this order, the Superintendent's Holiday Cards Competition, the Red Ribbon Week Poster Contest, The Walk Safe Poster Contest, The Doodle for Google Contest and finally our Halloween Masks. Phew!!! We are going to be busy bees!

 Here are the information you will need for the contests.
Lesson 1-4 / Dates
September 26 – October 28

Essential Question
How do you show a message through Art?

Visual Arts Standards
Big Idea: Critical Thinking and Reflection
VA.2.H.3.1- Describe connections made between creating with art ideas and creating with information from other content areas.
VA.3.H.3.1- Discuss how knowledge gained in the visual art classroom can serve as prior knowledge in other classrooms.
VA.4.H.3.1-Discuss how analytical skills and thinking strategies are applied to both art production and problem-solving in other content areas.
VA.5.H.3.1-Discuss how skills learned through the analysis and art-making process are used to solve problems in non-art areas.
Correlated L.A. Standards
LAFS.2.RL.1.3/2.5/3.7, LAFS.2.RI.1.1/1.2/2.5
LAFS.3.RL.1.1/1.3/3.7, LAFS.3.L.3.4.a&d
LAFS.4.RL.1.1/1.3/3.7, LAFS.4.L.3.5c
LAFS.5.RL.1.1/1.3/3.7 LAFS.5.L.3.4a&c

Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)
Artistic Style:   Contemporary Art
Content/Meaning: Imaginary

Ashley Chacon-10th grade- Mr. Obregon. Superintendent’s Holiday Card Show at the MDCPS School Board Building.

Ismail Jerez- 10th grade- Mr. Obregon. Superintendent’s Holiday Card Show at the MDCPS School Board Building.

Jamesley St-Juste- 10th grade- Mr. Obregon. Superintendent’s Holiday Card Show at the MDCPS School Board Building.
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Historical Art / Artist Reference

Visuals & Resources
1.     Visuals: Teacher samples: Holiday Card Competition
3.     Video:  Poster Contest Criteria

Create a series of art pieces designed for competition:


· White drawing papers 9X12
· Multi-colored papers various sizes
· Pencil
· Ruler
· Scissors
· Glue sticks
· Markers
· Colored Pencils
· Art Stix

1) Think of an original big idea
2) Choose paper’s orientation
3) Sketch idea paying attention to content, main message, composition, layout, lines and shapes
4) Draw and write big and neatly
5) Do not draw prohibited items
6) Raise hand before coloring

Home Learning
Due Date: October 28
1) Learn vocabulary words
2) read assignment:  How to Design a Poster
3) Sketchbook: Practice drawing design elements for posters

Art careers related to the unit

Critique one of the past winning entries
Enrichment Projects
Choose contest to enter: Authentic Assessments 

SDI Projects
Practice drawing lines and shapes and writing in cursive

Finished Projects

Lesson 1 / Dates
October 24 – October 31

Essential Question
What are techniques and processes in art?

Visual Arts Standards
Big Idea: Skills, Techniques, Processes
VA.2.S.1.1- Experiment with tools and techniques as part of art-making processes
VA.3.S.1.1- Manipulate tools and media to enhance communication in personal artworks
VA.4.S.1.1-Manipulate tools and materials to achieve diverse effects in personal works of art
VA.5.S.1.1-Use various art tools, media, and techniques to discover how different choices change the effect on the meaning of an artwork

Correlated L.A. Standards

Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)
Artistic Style:   Utilitarian/Functional
Content/Meaning: Common Events
Media/TechniqueDrawing, Markers, Collage
Other:  Halloween

Historical Art / Artist Reference

Visuals & Resources
1.     Visuals: Teacher samples: Bird, Dog
2.     Websites: Alternate project - Doodle 4 Google
3.     Video:  n/a

1. Create a bird or dog mask
OR draw for Doodle 4 Google
2. Practice using line, shapes, Symmetry 
3. Show good craftsmanship on at least 80% of the artwork     


Dog 2nd – 4th
·         Light Yellow paper 9”X12”
·         Brown paper 4½ “X6”X4½ “
·         Small brown paper
·         Glue Stick
·         Craft Stick
·         Black Sharpie
·         Tape

Bird 3rd – 5th
·         Blue paper 6”X9”
·         Yellow triangle paper 3”X4”X3”
·         Glue Stick
·         Craft Stick
·         Black Sharpie
·         Tape


Dog 2nd – 4th
1) Trace and cut circle on yellow paper
2) Fold paper in half
3) Trace and cut circle for eyes
4) On triangle brown paper, round up ear corners and glue
5) On small brown paper, cut out and glue nose
6) Draw muzzle with black sharpie
7) Glue stick in the back

Bird 3rd – 5th
1) Fold paper in half
2) Trace circle for eyes
3) Draw half head shape
4) Cut out eyes and shape with paper folded
5) Glue yellow triangle beak
6) Glue stick in the back

Home Learning
Due Date: October 31
1) Learn vocabulary words
2) read assignment:  History of Halloween
3) Sketchbook: Practice drawing another type of mask

Art careers related to the unit

Critique one of the finished masks
Enrichment Projects
Create a fox or a road runner mask

SDI Projects
Practice drawing lines and shapes and writing in cursive

Values Matter

Value of the Month

How can you display responsibility during art classes?
Reference: Values Matter

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