Welcome to September! We are celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15 by creating artworks inspired by Latin culture.
As we create and build our artworks, we will pay special attention to lines, shapes, contrast, and forms. Refer to our Lessons for 2nd/3rd graders and 4th/5th graders below.
September 15 was chosen as the starting point for the celebration because it is the anniversary of independence of five Latin American countries:
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. They all declared independence in 1821. In addition, Mexico, Chile and Belize celebrate their independence days on September 16, September 18, and September 21, respectively.[1]
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. They all declared independence in 1821. In addition, Mexico, Chile and Belize celebrate their independence days on September 16, September 18, and September 21, respectively.[1]
Hispanic Heritage Month also celebrates the long and important presence of Hispanic and Latino Americans in North America, starting with the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus on the morning of October 12, 1492. (Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Hispanic_Heritage_Month)
The term Hispanic broadly refers to the people, nations, and cultures that have a historical link to Spain.
Learn more about Hispanic Heritage Month at: http://www.hispanicheritagemonth.org/

Lessons 1-3 / Dates: Sept 5 – Sep 23
Essential Question
What is the role of Art in Cultures?
Big Idea: Through study in the arts, we learn about and honor others and the worlds in which they live(d).
VA2.H.1.1/VA.2.S.3.1 VA3.H.1.1/VA.3.S.3.1
Correlated L.A. Standards
LAFS.2.RL.1.3/2.5/3.7, LAFS.2.RI.1.1/1.2/2.5
LAFS.3.RL.1.1/1.3/3.7, LAFS.3.L.3.4.a&d
Enrichment Projects
LAFS.2.RL.1.3/2.5/3.7, LAFS.2.RI.1.1/1.2/2.5
LAFS.3.RL.1.1/1.3/3.7, LAFS.3.L.3.4.a&d
Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)
Calm/Active Lines
Geometric Shapes
Free-form Shapes
Historical Art / Artist Reference
1. Visuals: Teacher sample
Create a
figure/creature inspired by Oaxaca’s art
Black paper 9”X 12”
Lavender, Light Green, Light yellow 8”X 10”
Multi-colored papers
Oil Pastels
Glue stick
1) Fold black paper in half if necessary
2) Draw half or whole creature
3) Cut out shape to fit background
4) Cut and glue shapes and
patterns and background (use protective paper on the table)
5) Use oil pastels
to decorate with dots, lines, stripes
Home Learning
Due Date: September 23
1) Learn vocabulary words
3) Sketchbook: Practice illustrating other styles of Mexican Art
Art careers related to the unit
Critique the finished artwork
Enrichment Projects
Explore and create artifacts about other Hispanic traditions
SDI Projects
Practice drawing lines and shapes and writing in cursive
Lessons 1-3 / Dates: Sept 5 – Sep 23
Essential Question
What is the role of Art in Cultures?
Big Idea: Through study in the arts, we learn about and honor others and the worlds in which they live(d).
VA.4.H.1.3/VA.4.S.3.2 VA.5.H.1.3/VA.5.S.3.1
Correlated L.A. Standards
LAFS.4.RL.1.1/1.3/3.7, LAFS.4.L.3.5c
LAFS.5.RL.1.1/1.3/3.7 LAFS.5.L.3.4a&c
LAFS.4.RL.1.1/1.3/3.7, LAFS.4.L.3.5c
LAFS.5.RL.1.1/1.3/3.7 LAFS.5.L.3.4a&c

Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)
Artistic Style: various
Contour &
Gesture Drawing
Create a self-portrait inspired by the Student Rebuild Project
1) Choose Materials
2) Draw yourself
including What Makes You Different
3) Add value with hatching
4) Cut
and glue shapes and patterns (use protective paper on the table)
5) Use oil
pastels to decorate with dots, lines, stripes
Home Learning
Due Date: September 24
1) Learn vocabulary words
3) Sketchbook: Practice illustrating other styles of self portraits
Art careers related to the unit
Critique the finished artwork
Enrichment Projects
Work on the Permanent Assignments listed on the board
SDI Projects
Practice drawing lines and shapes and writing in cursive
Values Matter
Value of the Month
Which values are displayed in the Mayan/Aztec structures that we are using for our lesson unit?
Reference: Values Matter