Welcome, December! We are going to use texture and complementary colors to create gingerbread designs, mittens, and personalized holiday cards. Thank you for filling out the poll. These are the results: 82% of students wanted to design mittens, 61% wanted to draw gingerbreads and 35% wanted to create cards. We will also learn about the different ways people celebrate holidays around the world. Scroll down for more details.
Lesson 1 / Dates
November 30 – December 4
Essential Question
What kind of texture lines and shapes can you use to draw your gingerbread man?
Lesson 2 / Dates
December 7 – December 11
Essential Question
What complementary colors can you use in creating your mittens?
Lesson 1-3 / Dates
December 14 – December 18
Essential Question
What is the role of colors in Holiday cards?
Painting: Color Study Quadrate
Correlated STEM Standards
Science: SC.CS-CP.2.2-5.2
Technology: LAFS.3.RL.1.1/1.2
Math.5.RL.2.5For card examples click HERE
Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)
Genre: n/a
Historical Art / Artist Reference
1. Visuals: Teacher samples
Click Here for Ideas
·White Paper 9”X12”
·Watercolor Markers

1) Design a holiday scene with a white crayon on a white paper
2) Use art sticks or watercolor pencils to color
3) Add details using watercolor markers and a black sharpie
4) Glue the artwork on a folded red, green or blue paper
Home Learning
Due Date: December 21
1) Learn vocabulary words
2) Reading assignment: The History of Greeting Cards
3) Sketchbook: Practice drawing other greeting cards designs
Art careers related to the unit
Enrichment Projects
Explore other ways of expressing care through art:
30 Homemade Gifts From Kids HERE
Homemade Gifts That Kids Can Make HERE
Practice drawing lines and shapes and writing in cursive
Values Matter
Value of the Month
Click HERE to view a video about Fairness
How can you display citizenship during art classes?Reference: Values Matter