
Monday, November 28, 2022

Activities for December 2022

Welcome December!  We are going to use different techniques and processes to create art that reflects cultural trends and historical events.  To that intent we are going to create Nutcrackers, Sound Suits, and Holiday Illustrations.  While working on our illustrated cards we will be learning about the different way people celebrate the Holidays around the world. Read on for the details... 

Lesson 1-2 / Dates

November 28 – December 9

2nd, 3rd & 4th Grades 


V.A. Standards

Big Idea: The Arts reflect and document cultural trends and historical events

VA.2.H.2.2- Identify objects from everyday life that have been designed and created using artistic skills.
VA.3.H.2.2- Examine artworks and utilitarian objects and describe their significance in the school and/or community.
VA.4.H.2.2-Identify differences between artworks and utilitarian objects.

Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)

Genre n/a

Artistic Style:   Decorative

Content/Meaning: Imaginary


Design Elements:  ShapeColorForm

Design PrinciplesContrastSymmetryBalance 

Other:   Symbolism  

Historical Art / Artist Reference

Nutcracker’s’ History


1.     Visuals: Samples

2.     Websites:  Nutcracker Storytelling Props

3.     Video: How to Make a TP Nutcracker

     Music: Holiday Classics

Create your own TP Nutcracker
· Toilet Paper Tube
· Pencil
· White paper 3" X 6"
· Markers
· Glue stick
1)  Use a pencil to draw the shapes of your nutcracker on a white piece of paper
2) Use markers to trace and color the shapes
3) Use a glue stick to glue the paper on the tube

Home Learning

Due Date: December 9

1) Learn vocabulary words

2) Reading assignment: The Nutcracker Facts, Stories behind holidays around the world

3) Sketchbook: Create other types of props

Art careers related to the unit
SculptorArt Education

Critique the Nutcracker story
Enrichment Projects
Explore symmetry and balance while creating more holiday-related art and crafts: Stories behind holidays around the world,  TP Christmas Tree


SDI Projects
Practice drawing lines and shapes and writing in cursive

5th Grade ONLY

Sound Suits

STEAM Focus: Patterns, Scale, Proportions, and Color Temperature

Essential Question (s):

How can we use the elements of art to structure an artwork inspired by Black History Month?

How can we use art to celebrate and honor Black History Month?

Celebrating Black History | Discovery Education

V.A. Standards

Big Idea:

VA.5.H – The Arts reflect and document cultural trends and historical events

VA.5.S – Skills, Techniques, and Processes

VA.5.O – Organizational Structure

VA.5.F – Innovation, Technology, and the Future


Benchmark (s):

VA.5.H.2.2-Describe the ways in which artworks and utilitarian objects impact everyday life.




Science Standard: SC.5.P.10.1

Math Standard: MA.5.AR.1

Tech Infusion: 3D Modeling

Engineering Process: Build a Soundsuit

Visuals & Resources

Black History Month (National Geographic) , Black History Theme 


Artistic Style:   Utilitarian/Functional 

Content/Meaning: Figurative, Culture, Traditions, Resistance 

Media/Technique: Digital Art 

Design Elements: Line, Form, Shape, Space, Color, Value, Texture, 

Design Principles: Composition, ContrastBalance

Other:   Sound



Top 3 will get a prize

Design a 2D drawing portraying black resistance and 3D graphic showcasing a soundsuit through a QR code.

1)    The 2023 theme of “Black Resistance” will be exhibited to Board Members, community dignitaries, and thousands of visitors who view this high-profile exhibition. Authentic Assessment due on December 13, 2022.

2)    STEAM project: Nick Cave utilizes sound waves to create sound suits as a protective layer from social abuse.



· Sketch paper

· Pencil

· Colored pencils

· Oil pastels

· Paint 3D

· Video Editor


1)    Draw the figure to be modeled

Black Voices Protest Art

2)    Use 3D Paint to create a soundsuit

3)    Create a clip with audio and a QR Code


Lesson 3-4 / Dates

December 12 – 22

Holiday Cards

Essential Questions:

What is the role of greeting cards during the Holiday Season?

What is a scientific illustrator?

How can we create art to promote awareness in our community?

How does creating art by observing animals in their habitat help us to better understand the world around us?


V.A. Standards

Big Idea: Cognition and reflection are required to appreciate, interpret, and create with artistic intent.

VA.2.C.1.1- Use the art-making process to communicate personal interests and self-expression.


VA.3.C.1.1- Use the art-making process to develop ideas for self-expression.


VA.4.C.1.1-Integrate ideas during the art-making process to convey meaning in personal works of art.


VA.5.C.1.1-Develop a range of interests in the art-making process to influence personal decision-making.





1.      Visuals: Teacher samples

2.      Websites: 10 Super Simple Christmas Card Designs to make in less than 5 minutes (

                          25 Simple Christmas Cards Kids Can Make - The Joy of Sharing (

3.      Videos: Easy Holiday Cards

4.      Music: Holiday Songs  Instrumental Holiday Music

Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)

Genre n/a

Artistic Style:   Decorative / Realism

Content/Meaning: Figurative , Imaginary / Common Events


Design Elements: LineShapeColor

Design PrinciplesContrastSymmetry



Historical Art / Artist Reference

The History of Greeting Cards

What is Scientific Illustration?

Science illustrators are artists in the service of science.

What is a Botanical Illustrator?
A botanical illustrator is a person who paints, sketches, or otherwise illustrates botanical subjects. Typical illustrations are in watercolor, but may also be in oils, ink or pencil, or a combination of these.


Create a Holiday Card inspired by Scientific Illustrations 

·Red/Green/Blue/White Paper 9” X 12”
·Art Sticks/Colored Pencils
·Watercolor Markers


1) Design a holiday scene on a white paper
2) Use art sticks or watercolor markers to color
3) Add details using a black sharpie 
4) Glue the artwork on folded red, green, or blue paper 

Home Learning

Due Date: December 22

1) Learn vocabulary words

2) Reading assignment: The History of Greeting Cards What is Scientific Illustration? What is a Botanical Illustrator?

3) Sketchbook: Practice drawing other greeting cards designs


Art careers related to the unit

Art EducationGraphic DesignIllustrationCraft


Critique the finished cards

Enrichment Projects

Explore other ways of expressing care through art: Wreath, Reindeer, Bearcub, Easy Cards

SDI Projects
Practice drawing lines and shapes and writing in cursive


Values Matter

Value of the Month

Click HERE to view a video about Fairness

How can you display citizenship during art classes?

Reference: Values Matter


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