
Friday, May 5, 2023

Activities for May 2023


Hello May! We are going to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day, Memorial Day and Haitian Heritage Month. We are going to learn about Fiber Art and Architecture.  Let the fun begin!

Lesson 1 / Dates 

May 08May 12 

Big Idea: 

VA.2/3/4/5.CCritical Thinking and Reflection 

VA.2/3/4/5.HHistorical and Global Connections 

VA.2/3/4/5.F Innovation, Technology, and the Future 


Essential Questions: 

What is weaving? 

What is fiber art? 

Where do we see fibers in the world? 

How can we find inspiration in the works of others? 



VA.2.C.2.3, VA.3.C.2.2, VA.4.C.2.3, VA.5.C.2.3 

VA.2.H.2.3, VA.3.H.2.3, VA.4.H.2.3, VA.5.H.1.4 

VA.2.F.1.2, VA.3.F.2.1, VA.4.F.2.1 VA.5.F.2.2 

Art History & Art Appreciation Connections: 

Fashion Design Facts for Kids,  

Inspiring Patchwork Quilt Artists You Have to Follow 



Genre: n/a 

Media/Technique: Weaving 

Other: Symmetry, Proportion, batik, burlap, cotton, design, dye, embroidery, 

fashion, felt, fibers, fiber art, loom, muslin, needle, pattern, sewing, stitching, tapestry, 

utilitarian, warp, weft, weaving, yarn  

Historical Art / Artist Reference 

10 Inspiring Fiber Artists Your Students Should Know 


Featured Arts/Artists 

Sheila Hicks 


Create a woven item or a card using yarn to celebrate Mother's Day.


·Multi-colored yarn 

· Colored pencils 

· Scissors 

· Glue stick 

· Cardboard rolls 

. White construction paper 9” X 12” 


1) Choose your yarn color (favorite color for the gift). 

2) Get inspired by the following cards or follow the steps in one of the videos. 

Lesson 2 / Dates 

May 15 – May 19 


Big Idea: 

VA.2/3/4/5.CCritical Thinking and Reflection 

VA.2/3/4/5.OOrganizational Structure 

VA.2/3/4/5.S – Skills, Techniques, and Processes 


Essential Questions: 

What is architecture?  

How do architects design our surroundings? 

What skills are needed for an architect to successfully design a building? 

How can artists create an illusion of depth and form in a 2-D medium? 

What is a vanishing point and why is it important for understanding one-point perspective? 



VA.2.H.2.2, VA.3.F.2.1, VA.4.C.2.2, VA.5.F.2.1 

VA.2.O.1.1, VA.3.O.2.1, VA.4.F.2.1, VA.5.O.2.2 

VA.2.S.1.2, VA.3.S.1.2, VA.4.S.1.2, VA.5.S.1.4 


Art History & Art Appreciation Connections: 

Inspicio: Zaha Hadid, Inspicio: Dennis Cuadrado 


Artistic Style:  n/a 

Media/Technique: Illustration 



1) Sketch an Asian Pacific or Haitian architecture design using cultural artifacts, including flags. 

2) Use your sketch to create a 3D model using MS 3D paint. 


· White Paper 9” X 12” 

· Pencil 

· Laptop 


1) Sketch your design 

2) Create a 3D prototype 

Lesson 3 / Dates
May 22 – May 26

Art History & Art Appreciation Connections: 


1) Draw poppies to commemorate Memorial Day


· Blue paper 8 1/2 ” X 11” 

· Pencil 

· Crayons

· Oil pastels


1) Sketch your poppies and stars

2) Color the poppies and stars using crayons and oil pastels

Lesson 4 / Dates
May 30 – June 07

Big Idea:

VA.2/3/4/5.F – Innovation Technology & The Future

VA.2/3/4/5.H – Historical & Global Connections

VA.2/3/4/5.S – Skills, Techniques, and Processes


Essential Questions:

What careers do artists have?

Why is it important to display art in public places and how do artists find work?

What kind of art and design can be found in public places and how do artists find work?

What responsibilities come with the freedom to create and what are copyright laws?

How can artists use ethical standards when creating work and what are copyright laws?

How do artists and designers create works of art or design that effectively communicate ideas?

What contributions do artists and designers make to society?



VA.2.F.1.2, VA.3.F.2.1, VA.4.F.2.2, VA.5.F.2.2

VA.2.H.2.3, VA.3.H.2.3, VA.4.H.2.3 VA.5.H.2.3

VA.2.S.3.4, VA.3.S.2.1, VA.4.S.3.4, VA.5.S.3.4

Art History & Art Appreciation Connections:

Art of Ed: 60 Visual Arts Careers


Genre: n/a

Artistic Style:   n/a


Design Elements: Line, Texture, Shape

Design Principles:  Emphasis

Other: artist, design, professional, visual arts careers


Finish your architect inspired artwork  or create an artwork inspired by one of the art careers.


· White Paper 9” X 12”

· Pencil


1)    1) Use a pencil to sketch large shapes

2)    2) Finish your work with details 

Art careers related to the unit 

Art Educator, Museum Educator, Illustrator, Architect 

Critique the finished drawings 

Enrichment Projects 

Explore other ways of creating artwork using your preferred art style 

SDI Projects 

Practice drawing lines and shapes and writing in cursive 

Image result for cooperation for kids 

Values Matter 

Value of the Month 


Description automatically generated with low confidence 


Click HERE to view a video about Cooperation 

How can you display Cooperation during art classes? 

Reference: Values Matter 

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