
Saturday, April 1, 2017

Activities for April

Spring has sprung with its April showers!  We are going to include 3D shapes and big cats into our unfolding stories while working on our  FSA/SAT tests.

During the first week of April we will finish our Spring Doodles and Man and Manatee Illustrations.

Then when we come back from Spring break we will start creating our unfolding stories.

Lesson 1-3 / Dates
April 18 – May 12

Essential Question
How can you use illustrations to tell a story?

V.A. Standards

Big Idea: The arts reflect and document cultural trends and historical events, and help explain how new directions in the arts have emerged.

VA.2.H.2.1- Identify differences or similarities in artworks across time and culture.

VA.3.H.2.1- Compare differences or similarities in artworks across time and culture.

VA.4.H.2.1-Explore works of art, created over time, to identify the use of the structural elements of art in an historical event or art style.

VA.5.H.2.1-Compare works of art on the basis of style, culture, or artist across time to identify visual differences.

Correlated L.A. Standards

LAFS.2.RL.1.3/2.5/3.7, LAFS.2.RI.1.1/1.2/2.5
LAFS.3.RL.1.1/1.3/3.7, LAFS.3.L.3.4.a&d
LAFS.4.RL.1.1/1.3/3.7, LAFS.4.L.3.5c
LAFS.5.RL.1.1/1.3/3.7 LAFS.5.L.3.4a&c

Vocabulary (Click on links for definitions)

Artistic Style:   Realism
Content/Meaning: Figurative
Media/Technique: Drawing
Other:  Polygon Shapes

Historical Art / Artist Reference

1. Visuals: Teacher sample
2. Websites: A Story Unfolds
3. Videos: 9 Step Unfolding Illustration , Kevin’s Illustration, 3D Shapes for Children
             How to Memorize Polygon Shape Names

Create an illustrated story using the Haitian countryside as inspiration to celebrate Haitian Heritage Month during the month of May OR a setting that will allow you to use "Big Cats" and/or a Quetzal.  Use as many 3D shapes as possible in your illustrations.


-White paper 18”X24”
-Colored pencils
1) Sketch your story
2) Draw and cut your 9 frames
3) Write, draw and color your story

If you want to add to your story another animal not featured here and learn how to draw it click HERE
Home Learning
Due Date: May 12
Learn vocabulary words

Enrichment Projects

1) Reading assignment:
National Geographic’s Big Cats / Quest for the Quetzal: 2nd Grade Click HERE and HERE
                                                                                         3rd Grade Click HERE and HERE
                                                                                          4th Grade Click HERE and HERE
                                                                                          5h Grade Click HERE and HERE
2) Sketchbook: Practice illustrating other types of stories
3) Learn PowerPoint Basics for your presentations: PowerPoint Basics
Art careers related to the unit
Critique the finished story

Good luck on your assessments and congratulations to the art students accepted in the Art Magnet programs!

Values Matter

Value of the Month

Click HERE to view a video about Honesty
How can you display Honesty during art classes?
Reference: Values Matter

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